Meet the Founder
Hi, I’m Mary!
I’m the leader of the pack at Whisker Media. We’re a pet-focused boutique public relations agency that’s in the persuasion business. We often get asked…
What is the difference between PR and marketing?
Unlike marketing, where you “buy” your way onto a website, print publication, or broadcast through advertising, we work to convince the public that they should promote your ideas, buy your product, support your position or recognize your amazing work through strategic networking, relationships and lots of creativity with people of influence.
What is Whisker Media all about?
We believe in promoting businesses, organizations, and individuals that provide innovative solutions for pet care, nutrition, and animal welfare to make anything furred, feathered, or scaly healthier and happier.
We love representing people and nonprofits that are an inspiration to make the world a more humane place for animals. Our team also has deep roots in public service, and we believe in supporting people who are working tirelessly to make their communities better.
I started the agency in 2015 to appease my passion to help homeless animals. I also started Whisker Media to fill a gap. As an animal welfare professional with direct experience working with homeless animals, I noticed there was a huge lack of knowledge between animal behavior and pet entrepreneurs and businesses. As an experienced animal welfare professional who still works at an animal shelter, I often get pitches from large national PR and marketing agencies representing Fortune 500 companies asking to use homeless animals in their campaigns.
People don’t realize shelter animals are often unpredictable, as there is no knowledge of their history. What appears as a sweet loving dog, can snap at an instant when it becomes shy and fearful. Put them in a photoshoot or in front of a camera, and there can be issues.
It’s no secret shelters are not the best places for animals, as they don’t know where they are and they’re anxious or scared. As an advocate for animals, these cats, dogs, and critters need to be protected from unnecessary emotional trauma. That doesn’t mean they can’t be used in campaigns, but having basic knowledge of what works and what doesn’t work when working with animals is critical. Combine my public relations experience with my animal experience, and that is what differentiates me from other PR agencies.
I love combing my animal passion with my expertise as a long-time public relations professional. I have more than ten years of experience promoting businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations.
During my government career, I represented cities and law enforcement agencies and focused on communicating difficult political, racial, and equity issues, along with crisis situations.
I have won numerous public relations awards for press conferences and crisis communications, to campaigns ranging from hate crime awareness to National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week.
Prior to that, I was an award-winning television news reporter and anchor where I worked in markets across the country, including Atlanta, Las Vegas, New York, and Minneapolis. My reporting also appeared on most of the major networks, including Fox News, NBC News, CNN, and CBS News.
At Whisker Media, we represent clients whose products, services, or missions we believe in. We treat our clients’ businesses or nonprofits like it’s our own. When we get a new pet client, we seek input from animal behaviorists and veterinarians to get extra insight on the products and services we promote, to make sure that the safety and welfare of the animals is always paramount. Being bonified cat people, we also have a soft spot for cat-related rescues and product companies, as felines get the short end of the stick in the animal welfare and pet business worlds.
Being a former journalist, I just can’t get rid of my longing to write good stories. I fulfill my need for unbiased solid reporting through freelance writing for national pet magazines and websites. I am a member of both the Cat Writers Association and the Dog Writer’s Association of America, the Asian American Journalists Association and have won many awards for breaking news and features.
I live in Buffalo, Minnesota with my significant other Craig, a hard-core dog lover and police chief, and my pup Josie, a shy and fearful special needs dog. Farley Waddlesworth, an overstimulated cat is my youngest pet, who has many behavioral issues.
As an animal advocate, I feel it’s my duty to always adopt animals that no one else wants, and give them a loving home no matter what their disposition.
Do you share my values and beliefs too? Let’s talk!